Issue #1 - Pikablu? Or Marril?

Every cheat code I see is usually...


Now that's pretty okay with me, but ... PIKABLU? Who's that?

I've never heard of anything called Pikablu. Only something called Marril. Are they calling Marril Pikablu?


Unfortunately, that's not his name. Pikablu is just some sick twisted joke made by some person who thinks that Marril is an evolution of Pikachu, which is not. It's M-A=R=R-I-L. It looks nothing like Pikachu. It doesn't evolve into Pikachu. It's not an electric Pokémon. It's a WATER Pokémon.

It irritates me to see the name "Pikablu" every time when I go to a Pokémon website. I hate that name. Pikablu. It makes me shiver when I hear it. -_-;

So everybody, call it Marril. Not some sick and twisted name like Pikablu. *shudder*